5.3. Driver Implementation

The icepack driver is Fortran source code and exists to test the column physics in a stand-alone mode for some simple column configurations.

5.3.1. File List

The icepack driver consists of the following files

configuration/driver/ driver for testing Icepack in stand-alone mode
icedrv_MAIN.F90 main program
icedrv_InitMod.F90 routines for initializing a run
icedrv_RunMod.F90 main driver routines for time stepping
icedrv_arrays_column.F90 essential arrays to describe the state of the ice
icedrv_calendar.F90 keeps track of what time it is
icedrv_constants.F90 physical and numerical constants and parameters
icedrv_diagnostics.F90 miscellaneous diagnostic and debugging routines
icedrv_diagnostics_bgc.F90 diagnostic routines for biogeochemistry
icedrv_domain_size.F90 domain sizes
icedrv_flux.F90 fluxes needed/produced by the model
icedrv_forcing.F90 routines to read and interpolate forcing data for stand-alone model runs
icedrv_forcing_bgc.F90 routines to read and interpolate forcing data for bgc stand-alone model runs
icedrv_init.F90 general initialization routines
icedrv_init_column.F90 initialization routines specific to the column physics
icedrv_restart.F90 driver for reading/writing restart files
icedrv_restart_bgc.F90 restart routines specific to the column physics
icedrv_restart_shared.F90 code shared by all restart options
icedrv_state.F90 essential arrays to describe the state of the ice
icedrv_step.F90 routines for time stepping the major code components
icedrv_system.F90 overall system management calls

5.3.2. Overview

The icepack driver exists to test the column physics. At the present time, it is hardwired to run 4 different gridcells on one processor with the same forcing used for all gridcells. There is no MPI and no threading built into the icepack driver. There is limited IO capabilities, no history files, and no netcdf restart files. The model generally runs very quickly.

Forcing data and details on these data are available in Forcing data.