5.2. Icepack Column Physics

5.2.1. File List

The column physics source code contains the following files

columnphysics/ the column physics code
icepack_aerosol.F90 handles most work associated with the aerosol tracers
icepack_age.F90 handles most work associated with the age tracer
icepack_algae.F90 biogeochemistry
icepack_atmo.F90 stability-based parameterization for calculation of turbulent ice–atmosphere fluxes
icepack_brine.F90 evolves the brine height tracer
icepack_firstyear.F90 handles most work associated with the first-year ice area tracer
icepack_flux.F90 fluxes needed/produced by the model
icepack_fsd.F90 supports floe size distribution
icepack_intfc.F90 interface routines for linking Icepack with a host sea ice model
icepack_isotope.F90 handles isotopes
icepack_itd.F90 utilities for managing ice thickness distribution
icepack_kinds.F90 basic definitions of reals, integers, etc.
icepack_mechred.F90 mechanical redistribution (ridging)
icepack_meltpond_lvl.F90 level-ice melt pond parameterization
icepack_meltpond_topo.F90 topo melt pond parameterization
icepack_mushy_physics.F90 physics routines for mushy thermodynamics
icepack_ocean.F90 mixed layer ocean model
icepack_orbital.F90 orbital parameters for Delta-Eddington shortwave parameterization
icepack_parameters.F90 basic model parameters including physical and numerical constants requried for column package
icepack_shortwave.F90 shortwave and albedo parameterizations
icepack_snow.F90 snow physics
icepack_therm_bl99.F90 multilayer thermodynamics of [6]
icepack_therm_itd.F90 thermodynamic changes mostly related to ice thickness distribution
icepack_therm_mushy.F90 mushy-theory thermodynamics of [71]
icepack_therm_shared.F90 code shared by all thermodynamics parameterizations
icepack_therm_vertical.F90 vertical growth rates and fluxes
icepack_tracers.F90 tracer information
icepack_warnings.F90 utilities for writing warning and error messages
icepack_wavefracspec.F90 wave impact on sea ice
icepack_zbgc.F90 driver for ice biogeochemistry and brine tracer motion
icepack_zbgc_shared.F90 parameters and shared code for biogeochemistry and brine height

5.2.2. Coding Standard

The column physics is a library that solves the sea ice column physics on a timestep by timestep and gridpoint by gridpoint basis. It consists of Fortran routines with input and output arguments. The model state is saved in the host model. There is no communication between gridcells so the underlying implementation supports no parallelization. It however can be called in parallel by a driver that is running on multiple pes with a decomposed grid.

The column physics does not have a time manager. Calendaring is expected to be dealt with by the host model. The column physics does not read any forcing data, that is passed into the column physics though interfaces. In fact, there are no direct IO capabilities in the column physics. That is to say, the column physics does not open files to read or write. However, the column physics contains a warning and abort package (see section Error Messages and Aborts) that provides the column package with the ability to store log output. That output can be queried by the host model or it can be written directly via a specific routine. The warning package also provides access to an abort flag that the host model can query after each call to check for successful completion of the column physics package.

All column physics public interfaces and public data are defined in the icepack_intfc.F90 file (see section Access). Internal column physics settings should all be accessible through interfaces. The internal constants, parameters, and tracer settings have init (set), query (get), and write interfaces that provides access to internal column physics settings. The host model should not have to use “use” statements to access any of the column physics data outside of what is provided through the icepack_intfc module.

The public column physics interfaces use optional arguments where it makes sense and there is an ongoing effort to extend the optional arguments supported. It’s strongly recommended that calls to the icepack interfaces be done with keyword=value arguments. All icepack arguments support this method.

Overall, columnphysics changes in the Icepack model should include the following

  • All modules should have the following set at the top

    implicit none
  • Any public module interfaces or data should be explicitly specified

  • All subroutines and functions should define the subname character parameter statement to match the interface name like

    character(len=*),parameter :: subname='(lateral_melt_bgc)'
  • All interfaces that are public outside the Icepack columnphysics should include autodocument_start and autodocument_end comment lines with appropriate syntax and location. If any interfaces are added or updated, then the internal documentation should be updated via

    ./icepack.setup --docintfc

    See also Public Interfaces for more information about the docintfc option.

  • The icepack_warnings package should be used to cache log messages and set the abort flag. To add a log message, use icepack_warnings_add like

    call icepack_warnings_add(subname//' algorithm did not converge')

    To formally set the abort flag, use

    call icepack_warnings_setabort(.true.,__FILE__,__LINE__)

    See also Error Messages and Aborts for more information about how the external calling program will write those message and check whether Icepack aborted.

  • Every interface call within the columnphysics should be followed by

    if (icepack_warnings_aborted(subname)) return

    to support errors backing up the call tree to the external program

  • Variables defined in icepack_kinds, icepack_tracers, icepack_parameters, and icepack_orbital should be accessed from WITHIN Icepack by Fortran use statements (even though this is not recommended for drivers). It’s also possible to use the public methods to access internal Icepack variables. Again, from the icepack driver or other external programs, the columnphysics variables should ALWAYS be access thru the interface methods and icepack_intfc (see also Access).

  • Icepack is a simple serial code. Global flags and parameters should be set identically on all tasks/threads that call into Icepack. Icepack has no ability to reconcile or identify inconsistencies between different tasks/threads. All aspects of correct parallel implementation is managed by the driver code.

  • Optional arguments are encouraged in the public Icepack interfaces. They provide backwards compatibility in the public interfaces and allow future extensions. Arguments that are not always required should ultimately be made optional. There are several ways optional arguments can be passed down the calling tree in Icepack. Two options, copying into local data or copying into module data are viable. But the recommended approach is to pass optional arguments down the calling tree,

    • Optional arguments can be used as calls are made down the calling tree without regard to whether they are present or not.

    • Use universal flags and parameters to turn on/off features. Avoid having features triggered by the presence of optional arguments.

    • Verify that the optional arguments required for any feature are passed in at the top level of each Icepack interface. If not, then abort.

    • Leverage the icepack subroutine icepack_checkoptargflags which controls how often to check the optional arguments. The argcheck namelist setting controls when to do the checks, ‘never’, ‘first’, or ‘always’ are valid settings

    • Pass optional arguments down the calling tree within Icepack as needed. In Fortran, the present attribute is carried down the calling tree automatically, but the optional attribute should also be defined in lower level subroutines. This is not strictly required in cases where the subroutine is always called with the optional arguments, but it’s good practice.

    • An example of how this might look is

      use icepack_parameters, only: flag_arg2, flag_arg3
      subroutine icepack_public_interface(arg1, arg2, arg3, ...)
      real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(inout) :: arg1
      real (kind=dbl_kind), optional, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: arg2
      real (kind=dbl_kind), optional, intent(inout) :: arg3
      logical, save :: first_call = .true.
      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(icepack_public_interface)'
      if (icepack_chkoptargflag(first_call)) then
         if (flag_arg2) then
            if (.not.present(arg2)) then
               call icepack_warnings_setabort(.true.,__FILE__,__LINE__)
               call icepack_warnings_add(subname//' flag_arg2 set but arg2 not passed')
         if (flag_arg3) then
            if (.not.present(arg3)) then
               call icepack_warnings_setabort(.true.,__FILE__,__LINE__)
               call icepack_warnings_add(subname//' flag_arg3 set but arg3 not passed')
         if (icepack_warnings_aborted(subname)) return
      call some_columnphysics_subroutine(arg1, arg2, arg3, ...)
      first_call = .false.
      end subroutine
      subroutine some_columnphysics_subroutine(arg1, arg2, arg3, ...)
      real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(inout) :: arg1
      real (kind=dbl_kind), optional, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: arg2
      real (kind=dbl_kind), optional, intent(inout) :: arg3
      if (flag_arg2) then
         arg2(:) = ...
      if (flag_arg3) then
         call someother_columnphysics_subroutine(arg3)
      end subroutine
      subroutine someother_columnphysics_subroutine(arg3)
      real (kind=dbl_kind), optional, intent(inout) :: arg3
      arg3 = ...
      end subroutine

    Some notes

    • If optional arguments are passed but not needed, this is NOT an error. If optional argument are not passed but needed, this is an error.

    • If checking and implementation are done properly, optional arguments that are not needed will never be referenced anywhere in Icepack at that timestep. Optional arguments should be matched with the appropriate flags at the first entry into Icepack as much as possible.

    • There is a unit test (optarg) in CICE to verify optional argument passing. There is also a unit test (opticep) in CICE that checks that NOT passing the optional arguments from CICE is robust.